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Dowiedz się więcej One click is enough for a digital signature. We encrypt as part of the signature a unique electronic certificate to each document, which ensures no unauthorized manipulation. For these reasons signing with an electronic certificate is the most advanced and secure type of electronic signature.
The digital signature is tied with the document through encryption. It can be verified using the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) technology.
Use a finger, stylus, or a tablet pad for a handwritten digital signature. Signosoft captures all of its specifics like signature shape, speed, pressure, or number of strokes and timing. These values securely identify the signing person.
You can use a signing pad, touch screen, or mobile devise to sign. Signosoft works with a number of specific signing tablets, which are ideal if someone prefers the pen.
Near your signature you can see what we call the “signature stamps”. This allows you to display more information with the signature. While designing your signature you can insert in the stamp, the signature time, name of the signer, IP address, or custom text.
Signosoft wykorzystuje architekturę klient/serwer. Korzystanie z aplikacji wymaga połączenia z Internetem.
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